
Join us for the 2024 Fall Conference at the beautiful Homestead Resort in Midway, where you can stay in their relaxing rooms, golf, explore the homestead crater and enjoy the newly constructed pool. Connect with your colleagues for a feature-filled, 2-day conference covering a variety of topics to help your practice and receive CME credit.

Explore innovative topics in biomechanics and sports medicine, trauma and reconstructive surgery, diabetes and wound care, and practice management. New this year, we are excited to offer a half-day, pre-conference coding and billing seminar where you can learn pearls to improve your practice’s bottom line.

Through a combination of focus topic selection, panel discussions, and an emphasis on helping attendees develop effective thinking skills, the format of this conference will provide an optimal learning environment.

The educational environment will draw on the collective experience of everyone and foster a greater learning experience. Attendees will leave this conference with valuable information to immediately affect their practices.

Download the 2024 Conference Flyer


Conference Attendee Information

UPMA Member ($325) Non-Member ($400) Virtual Attendance ($425) Coding and Billing Physician ($150) Additional Staff ($75) Resident ($25)

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