MACRA/MIPS 2019 Resources

Once the 2018 performance period ends on December 31, 2018, providers will have the first quarter of 2019 to report and attest to the performance measures categories. Your reporting periods and deadlines will depend upon your submission mechanism:

  • Quality Measures submitted by Claims – Deadline to submit 2018 quality measures via claims is March 2, 2019. 
  • APMA MIPS App / Registry – January 2, 2019 to March 22, 2019
  • CMS Web Portal – January 2, 2019 to April 2, 2019
  • CMS Web Interface (groups only) – January 22, 2019 – March 22, 2019
  • EHR – check with your EHR vendor

MACRA/MIPS 2018 Resources

Old Programs

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